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Recent News

Senior Spotlight: Kalea Conje, Violin

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“AYPO has been a huge part of my life for the past 8 years and I've been able to experience and learn so much about music and being part of wonderful orchestras. I made wonderful friends, played amazing pieces and performed at beautiful locations. I'll always cherish the memories that I made. I'm very thankful to AYPO for giving me this opportunity. I'm also thankful to all the conductors, volunteers, and staff who put in so much energy and care in to teaching us and helping us grow as musicians. I've always felt like they truly cared and were always there for help whenever I needed it.”

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Senior Spotlight: Manmayi Ghaisas, Violin

Guest User

“Figure out what playing music truly means to you. Find a love for it outside of winning auditions or competitions, and that will ensure your love for music will never die. And don't compare yourself to other musicians; every musician brings something different to the table, so lean into what makes YOU special as a musician and be proud of yourself.”

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Senior Spotlight: Christian León, French Horn

Guest User

“My older sister really inspired me to play horn. She played horn in high school and I remember wanting to be like her, which is why I picked the instrument. I thank her for all of my accomplishments because it was her support and motivation that got me to this point today.”

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Senior Spotlight: Gabriel Cha, Bassoon

Guest User

“The musician that inspired me the most was definitely my private teacher, Kelly Stratil. She works both as an elementary school band director, inspiring young kids to learn an instrument, and as a dedicated private teacher to a plethora of bassoonists. Despite all this, her hard work often goes under appreciated. Even so, she works tirelessly to support the musical community of Northern Virginia.”

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