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Board of Directors


Board of Directors

Board members are volunteers who comprise the governing body of AYPO. The Board of Directors meets bi-monthly and is responsible for approving policy, provides leadership in fundraising activities and is legally responsible for the organization. Members interested in learning about board service or attending a meeting should contact the Board Nominating Committee at

*Ambassador (ret.) Allan Mustard, Board President
U.S. Diplomat (retired)

*Dr. Marcia Baldanza, VP Education
Professor, Graduate School of Education Marymount University

*Dr. Long Chen, VP Finance
Professor of Accounting, George Mason University

*Suzanne Mucchetti, Secretary
Former Attorney, Weiner, Brodsky, Sidman & Kider; Former Controller, Center for Auto Safety

*Dr. William Hong, Past President
Institute for Defense Analyses

Jacque Armentrout
Director of Communications at Faith and Law

Grace Chang
Musician, Teacher, and Personal Chef/Caterer, Former PR and Marketing Executive for Classical Musicians

Tina Coffron
Director of Events and Member Engagement, Committee of 100

Dr. Nina Fedoroff
Professor Emerita, Penn State University

Anthony Kim
Vice President, Government Compliance, CACI International, Inc. 

Esther Ko
Auditor General, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS)

Karen J. Mercado, Past President
VP, Investments, Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF)

Kelly Liang
Finance Director CADASTA Foundation

Dr. William F. Maloney
Chief Economist, Latin America and Caribbean Region, The World Bank

Ann Anderson Mustard
Broadcast Journalism, Musician (retired)

Stella Pekarsky
Virginia State Senator, District 36

Patti Reid
Musician, Teacher, Engineer (retired)

John Schnitker
Musician and Federal Government Attorney (retired)

Marty K. Smith
Chief Operating Officer, FCPS

Chris Sanchez
Capitol City Strings Northern Virginia Suzuki Music School

*Member of the Executive Committee


Honorary Board of Directors

Margaret Adams, Past President
Civic Leader

Ben Baldanza, Past VP Finance
Former CEO of Spirit Airlines

Carl J. Bianchi
AYSO Conductor Emeritus

Michael Blakeslee, Past President
NAfME: National Association for Music Education

Luis Haza
AYPO Music Director Emeritus

Margaret Makris
Civic Leader

William McSweeny
Chevy Chase Bank

Gianandrea Noseda
Music Director, National Symphony Orchestra

Alma Powell
America's Promise Alliance for Youth

Arturo Sandoval

Leonard Slatkin
Music Director, Detroit Symphony Orchestra