Audition Information 25-26
2025-2026 Season
Audition Information
Ready to audition to join one of the leading orchestral training programs in the nation?
Before auditioning, we invite you to learn more and decide which orchestra or ensemble might be the best fit for you. AYPO's intention is to place students in the most advanced and appropriate orchestra for their musical growth and age. All of our orchestras offer opportunities to perform demanding repertoire, audition for solos, and play in an ensemble with other superb musicians.
Please note that our season programming revolves around our orchestras. Students who are accepted into one of our orchestras are then welcome to request admission to one of our Chamber Ensemble programs. To join Flute Ensemble, Harp Ensemble, or Clarinet Ensemble, students do not need to be part of an orchestra, but do need to audition.
Looking for Summer String Academy? Click here.
all Audition Applications and videos are due thursday, May 1st, 2025.
This year, ALL Woodwinds/Brass, Percussion, Piano, and Junior Division Strings auditions will be held IN-PERSON in early June.
Please scroll down to review instrument and division specific requirements below!
There are two divisions of orchestras based on grade level. 9th grade musicians must choose which division they would prefer to audition for and will not be considered for orchestras in both.
Strings may indicate on their application form if they would like to be considered for other orchestras within the division they applied (ex. applied for CO, but is willing to participate, if selected, for SE), or considered ONLY on the waitlist for the specific orchestra they auditioned for (ex. only applying to CO, and will only accept an offer to CO).
Click the orchestra names below to learn more and see which may be the right fit for you!
Junior Division Strings
Concert Orchestra (CO) - 7th-9th grades
String Ensemble (SE) - 6th-8th grades
Debut Orchestra (DO) - 5th-6th grades
Prelude Strings (PS) - 3rd-5th grades
Musicians accepted into the Concert Orchestra are eligible to be considered for the Junior Chamber Ensemble Program.
ALL Junior STRING Division applicants will be asked to complete the Sight-Reading and Excerpts portion of their audition IN-PERSON.
Timeline for Jr. String Applicants:
May 1: Application & SOLO Video Due (all on application form)
Mid/Late-May: Email to schedule Sight-Reading and Excerpts IN-PERSON time slot is sent to parents*
Early June: IN-PERSON Auditions take place at the AYPO Office (in Annandale)
End of June: Results sent via email
*Those that cannot make the June in-person auditions will be sent a virtual option for sight-reading and a request for a video audition of excerpts.
Senior Division Strings
Philharmonic (AYP) - *NEW* 10th-12th grades
Symphonic Orchestra (SO) - 9th-12th grades
Sinfonietta (AYS) - 9th-12th grades
Musicians accepted into the Symphonic Orchestra or Philharmonic are eligible to be considered for the Senior Chamber Ensemble Program.
ALL Senior STRING Division applicants will be asked to complete ALL materials for their audition via VIDEO only. All video submissions should be included in the Audition Application.
Timeline for Sr. String Applicants:
May 1: Application & SOLO + EXCERPTS Videos Due (all on application form)
End of June: Results sent via email
Woodwind and Brass musicians may be considered for any orchestra lower in seniority from the one they applied or either applicable instrumental ensemble (if interest for ensembles is indicated on a their application form).
AYPO offers three Full Orchestras and two Ensembles for Woodwinds & Brass at the following grade levels:
Philharmonic (AYP) - 9th-12th grades
Symphonic Orchestra (SO) - 9th-12th grades
Concert Orchestra (CO) - 7th-10th grades
Flute Ensemble - 6th-12th grades
Clarinet Ensemble - 6th-12th grades
ALL musicians applying for the full orchestras will be asked to complete ALL materials (Solo, Scales, AND Excerpts for the Concert Orchestra), of their audition IN-PERSON the weeks of June 3rd through 17th.
Musicians accepted into the Symphonic Orchestra or Philharmonic are eligible to be considered for the Senior Chamber Ensemble Program.
Timeline for Orchestral WW/Brass Applicants:
May 1: Application Due (all on application form)
Mid/Late-May: Email to schedule audition IN-PERSON time slot is sent to parents*
Early June: IN-PERSON Auditions take place at the AYPO Office (in Annandale)
End of June: Results sent via email
Musicians looking to apply for the ensembles ONLY will include their video auditions upon submission of the Audition Application.
Please note that all current members of the Flute & Clarinet Ensembles are automatically accepted next season upon submission of the standard Audition Application.
Timeline for Ensemble Applicants:
May 1: Application & Audition Video due (all on application form)
End of June: Results sent via email
Flute and Clarinet musicians applying for the orchestras can signify their interest in being apart of either instrumental ensemble in the Audition Application. Your orchestra audition will automatically count as your Ensemble audition!
Symphonic pianists will be assigned to perform with 1-2 of our three Full Orchestras OR four String Orchestras throughout the season.
Symphonic harpists may be selected to perform with the three Full Orchestras OR asked by the Harp Specialist on a case-by-case basis to perform with Jr. Division Orchestras. All symphonic harpists must participate in the Harp Ensemble. Harpists are additionally invited to audition for just the Harp Ensemble without participating as a symphonic harpist!
The number of symphonic harpists and pianists accepted per season is dependent on the season’s repertoire.
Symphonic piano applicants will perform both their excerpts and a solo live at the in-person audition in early June.
Musicians accepted into the Symphonic Orchestra or Philharmonic are eligible to be considered for the Senior Chamber Ensemble Program.
Timeline for Orchestral Piano Applicants:
May 1: Application Due
Mid/Late-May: Email to schedule Excerpts IN-PERSON time slot is sent to parents*
Early June: IN-PERSON Auditions take place at the AYPO Office (in Annandale)
End of June: Results sent via email
Symphonic HARP &
Musicians looking to apply for Symphonic Harp/Harp Ensemble will include their video auditions upon submission of the Audition Application.
Please note that all current members of the Harp Ensemble are automatically accepted next season upon submission of the standard Audition Application.
Timeline for Harp Applicants:
May 1: Application & Audition Video due (all on application form)
End of June: Results sent via email
(may be assigned 1 or 2 orchestras)
Sr. Division Symphonic Pianists
Grades 9th-12th
Philharmonic (AYP)
Symphonic Orchestra (SO)
Sinfonietta (AYS)
Jr. Division Symphonic Pianists
Grades 5th-9th
Concert Orchestra (CO)
String Ensemble (SE)
Debut Orchestra (DO)
Prelude Strings (PS)
Symphonic Percussionists may be selected to regularly perform in sections in either the Jr. or Sr. Division orchestras. Additionally, all Symphonic Percussionists will automatically be placed in the Percussion Ensemble after a successful audition. Musicians wishing to audition for the Percussion Ensemble ONLY may signify this in their Audition Application due May 1st.
ORCHESTRAS & Percussion Ensemble
Sr. Division Percussion (9th grade and up)
Philharmonic (AYP)
Symphonic Orchestra (AYSO)
Grades 9th-12th
Jr. Division Percussion (Up to 9th grade)
Concert Orchestra (AYCO)
String Ensemble (AYSE)
Debut Orchestra (AYDO)
Symphonic Percussion & Percussion Ensemble applicants will perform their audition in-person in early June.
Timeline for Percussion:
May 1: Application Due
Mid/Late-May: Email to schedule audition IN-PERSON time slot is sent to parents*
Early June: IN-PERSON Auditions take place
End of June: Results sent via email
Questions? Please email us at
Ready to Audition?
In order to audition, you will need to prepare audition excerpts for the respective orchestra (or ensemble) you seek to join. Learn more about the excerpts required here. Video audition submissions are due Thursday, May 1st, 2025, and in-person auditions will take place in early June.
Audition Tips & Instructions
We want you to succeed! Submit your best by following these tips and instructions for your audition video submission! Video audition submissions are due Thursday, May 1st, 2025.
Review Our Student Policies
All American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras' members are expected to take an active part in their school music programs. Please review our School Music Policy before considering auditioning.
Tuition & Financial Aid
AYPO is able to offer a number of scholarships, as well as financial aid on a need-based assessment.