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Senior Chamber Ensemble Program

Senior Chamber Ensemble Program


The Senior Chamber Ensemble Program is for talented musicians who participate in one of AYPO's advanced orchestras: the American Youth Symphonic Orchestra (AYSO) or the American Youth Philharmonic (AYP). Ensembles are formed based on the applicant's video audition, orchestra, and instrument, at the discretion of the artistic and administrative staff. The ensemble instrumentations vary depending on repertoire that includes a mix of strings, woodwinds, brass, harp, and piano. The program gives musicians the opportunity to enhance their musical development by studying and performing chamber music under the guidance of professional instructors.

AYP and AYSO musicians interested in the Chamber Ensemble Program should indicate interest when prompted on the video submission form. Acceptances for the Chamber Ensemble Program are released later than the standard audition acceptances.

AYPO's Chamber Ensemble Program is supported in part by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Questions about the AYPO Chamber Ensemble Program can be directed to Derek Maseloff at

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