Audition Excerpts
Audition Excerpts
We are only accepting applications for the instruments listed below.
All Musicians will prepare:
Solo of your choice (VIDEO). Prepare a selection lasting no more than 3 minutes, as indicated in your audition excerpts.
Brass: from any movement of a standard concerto, solo, or etude
Excerpts (VIDEO). Listed below for your instrument and audition level*
Sight-reading (IN-PERSON - Junior String Division Applicants ONLY). String musicians wishing to apply for Prelude Strings, Debut Orchestra, or String Ensemble will also be required to do sight-reading.
No memorization is required. Piano accompaniment is allowed, but not required.
Prelude strings (pS) Excerpts*
*Please note PS applicants are also required to perform a sight-reading audition.
Debut orchestra (DO) Excerpts*
*Please note DO applicants are also required to perform a sight-reading audition.
String Ensemble (SE) Excerpts*
*Please note SE applicants are also required to perform a sight-reading audition.
Concert Orchestra (CO) Excerpts
SO/AYP Woodwind & Brass Excerpts
Artistic staff highly recommend listening to recordings of the excerpt pieces.
If you are auditioning on your primary instrument and an auxiliary instrument, e.g. flute and optional piccolo, you are able to take a break between recordings.
Percussion Excerpts & Requirements
Please follow the guides in the excerpt sheet to audition for a Jr. Orchestra (CO, SE, DO - Open to 9th Graders and Younger) only.
Flute Ensemble Requirements
All current members are automatically accepted into Flute Ensemble next season upon submission of the standard audition application. Those wishing to audition for Flute Ensemble should prepare the following excerpts and a 5-minute solo piece of their choice:
Clarinet Ensemble Requirements
*New* Clarinet Ensemble is now for the entire season Sept.-May!
Those wishing to audition for Clarinet Ensemble should prepare the following excerpts, a chromatic scale (slurred up, tongue down) from low E to altissimo G, and scales up to five flats & five sharps.
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