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Audition Excerpts


Audition Excerpts

We are only accepting applications for the instruments listed below.

All Musicians will prepare:

  1. Solo of your choice (VIDEO). Prepare a selection lasting no more than 3 minutes, as indicated in your audition excerpts.

    • Brass: from any movement of a standard concerto, solo, or etude

  2. Excerpts (VIDEO). Listed below for your instrument and audition level*

  3. Sight-reading (IN-PERSON - Junior String Division Applicants ONLY). String musicians wishing to apply for Prelude Strings, Debut Orchestra, or String Ensemble will also be required to do sight-reading.

No memorization is required. Piano accompaniment is allowed, but not required.

Prelude strings (pS) Excerpts*


*Please note PS applicants are also required to perform a sight-reading audition.

Debut orchestra (DO) Excerpts*


*Please note DO applicants are also required to perform a sight-reading audition.

String Ensemble (SE) Excerpts*


*Please note SE applicants are also required to perform a sight-reading audition.

Concert Orchestra (CO) Excerpts

Percussion Excerpts & Requirements

Please follow the guides in the excerpt sheet to audition for a Jr. Orchestra (CO, SE, DO - Open to 9th Graders and Younger) only.

Percussion Excerpts

Questions? Email