Audition Excerpts 25-26
Audition Excerpts
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Audition applications and required video components per instrument are due:
May 1st, 2025
Please read the audition requirements below and familiarize yourself with your instrument and division’s specific requirements.
Audition Requirements:
Solo of your choice - Prepare a selection lasting no more than 3 minutes, as indicated in your audition excerpts.
Woodwinds: selection from a fast movement of a standard concerto or solo
Brass: from any movement of a standard concerto, solo, or etude
SOLOS should be submitted as videos on your application for the following groups:
Sr. Division Strings, Jr. Division Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, & Harp
Solos will be performed in-person for:
No solo requirement for:
PercussionEXCERPTS will be submitted as a video link on the audition application for:
Sr. Division Strings & Harp
Excerpts will be performed at the in-person audition for:
Jr. Division Strings, Symphonic Woodwinds/Brass, Piano, & PercussionSIGHT-READING
In-person - Junior String Division Applicants & Piano ONLY.
More information on the format of this requirement will be coming soon!
No memorization is required. Piano accompaniment for solos is allowed, but not required.
Video audition submissions are due Thursday, May 1st, 2025.
Concert Orchestra (CO) Excerpts
**New** Woodwind and Brass scale requirements have changed. Detailed list of scales required are in each audition packet packet.
*Please note CO STRING applicants are also required to perform a sight-reading audition. In-person audition sign-upswill be sent in May 2025.
Philharmonic (AYP) STRING Excerpts
Artistic staff highly recommend listening to recordings of the excerpt pieces. Please review the excerpts in their entirety.
Sr. Division String Excerpts and solos are both due on May 1st, 2025 upon submission of the Audition Application.
SO/AYP Woodwind & Brass Excerpts
Artistic staff highly recommend listening to recordings of the excerpt pieces.
If you are auditioning on your primary instrument and an auxiliary instrument, e.g. flute and optional piccolo, you are able to take a break between recordings.
Orchestral woodwinds and brass will include their solo video link upon submission of their Audition Application due on May 1st, 2025. Excerpts will be performed at in-person auditions to take place in early June.
Percussion Excerpts & Requirements
Please note that Percussion auditions will be in-person in early June.
Please follow the guides in the excerpt sheet to audition for a Jr. Orchestra (CO, SE, DO - Open to 9th Graders and Younger) or Sr. Orchestra (AYP, SO, Sinfonietta - Open to 9th Graders and Older).
Piano Excerpts
Please note that Piano auditions will be in-person in early June.
Please prepare the excerpts for your chosen division.
Sr. Division Symphonic Piano Excerpts
Jr. Division Symphonic Piano Excerpts
Harp Excerpts
Symphonic Harp* & Harp Ensemble
Those wishing to audition for Symphonic Harp & Harp Ensemble should prepare:
1. One scale of your choosing, 2 octaves,
hands doubled at the octave
2. Please prepare a solo that best represents your playing level/skills.
*Symphonic Harps perform with the Concert Orchestra, Symphonic Orchestra, and Philharmonic only.
Harp Ensemble
Those wishing to audition for just the Harp Ensemble should prepare:
1. One scale of your choosing, 2 octaves,
hands doubled at the octave.
2. Please prepare a solo that best represents your playing level/skills.
All harpists should include their solo and excerpt video links upon submission of the Audition Application due on May 1st, 2025.
Flute Ensemble Requirements
All current members are automatically accepted into Flute Ensemble next season upon submission of the standard audition application. Those wishing to audition for Flute Ensemble should prepare the following excerpts and a 5-minute solo piece of their choice:
Clarinet Ensemble Requirements
Those wishing to audition for Clarinet Ensemble should prepare the following excerpts, a chromatic scale (slurred up, tongue down) from low E to altissimo G, and scales up to five flats & five sharps.
All musicians auditioning for the Junior String Division (PS, DO, SE, & CO) & ALL Piano must complete a sight-reading audition. In May 2025, you will receive an email that will prompt you to sign up for a sight-reading and excerpts audition time slot. If you cannot make any of your instrument’s allotted sight-reading time slots, please email
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