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Video Instructions


Put your best recording foot forward!

AYPO woodwind coach and Co-Principal Oboe of "The President's Own" United States Marine Band, Trevor Mowry, talks through some things you should think about before recording. Happy auditioning!

Video Recording and Submission Instructions

  1. Allow adequate time to troubleshoot recording/upload issues, should they arise.

    • Make sure you have the right audition materials for your application group (i.e. excerpts, requirements, tempi, etc.)

    • While recording, make sure nothing is obstructing you or your instrument.

    • Listen through your recording to ensure clarity and adequate volume.

    • NEW 24-25 Season - The solo recording and excerpt* recording should be two separate videos! *Jr. String Division applicants, percussionists, pianists, and harpists, do not need to submit the excerpts via video as the excerpt auditions for will be in-person.

    • Excerpts should be recorded in one take.

    • Accompaniment is permitted for solos only.

  2. Upload your video recording to YouTube. Video files submitted in other formats will not be accepted. Steps for YouTube uploads can be found here.

    • During upload, select the “Unlisted” privacy option. This allows you to still share the video link with us without making the video viewable to the public. More info here.

  3. Submit your audition via email to and include the following materials:

  • Personal information (i.e. name, instrument, grade, email, private music teacher’s name)

  • A clear, appropriate PHOTO of yourself for our photo roster (this is used by staff and volunteers only, to learn names and faces and take attendance at rehearsals). The photo should include your name and instrument (see example below). Please name the file: “Instrument.First name Last name” or, for example: “Flute.Chloë McIntosh.jpg” (See below for example.)

  • The YouTube video link – check this link to make sure it works.

  • A photo (smartphone photos are fine) or PDF of your solo selection. Please name the file: “Instrument.Composer.Title.FirstName.LastName” or, for example: “Violin.Bruch.Concerto1Mvt3.Jane.Smith.pdf”

    • You must submit one file only, numerous uploads will not be permitted.

  • Application information (i.e. for which orchestra you have applied)

  • Additional Ensemble/Program Participation (i.e. if you’re eligible for Senior or Junior Chamber Ensemble)

  • AYPO History (i.e. past years’ participation history, awarded titles, etc.)


Example of photo for our photo roster.



Musicians auditioning for PS, DO, SE, or CO must complete a sight-reading portion of the audition process.

Email with questions.

Please note that if your audition is not submitted in accordance with the instructions above, your audition may be disqualified.