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Our Programs

AYPO consists of six separate ensembles— the Percussion, Flute, Harp, Clarinet, Senior Chamber, and Junior Chamber Ensembles. Most ensembles rehearse on Monday evenings* from September through May and perform at least three times during the year. Learn more about each ensemble below.

*Rehearsals will be held on Tuesday when an FCPS Student Holiday falls on a Monday.

Senior Chamber Ensemble Program

Rehearses Mondays from 5:20-6:20PM in the McLean/Vienna area*
The Senior Chamber Ensemble Program is for talented musicians who participate in either AYSO or AYP. Ensembles are formed based on the applicant's video audition, orchestra, and instrument, at the discretion of the artistic and administrative staff. The ensemble instrumentations vary depending on repertoire that includes a mix of strings, woodwinds, brass, harp, and piano. The program gives musicians the opportunity to enhance their musical development by studying and performing chamber music under the guidance of professional instructors.

Junior Chamber Ensemble Program

Rehearses Mondays from 5:30-6:30PM in the McLean/Vienna area*
The Junior Chamber Ensemble Program is comprised of talented young musicians who participate in AYCO. This program provides young musicians with the opportunity to perform and learn about beginning concepts and techniques involved in performing chamber music.

Flute Ensemble

Rehearses Mondays from 5:00-6:40pm in the McLean/Vienna area*
The Flute Ensemble rehearses weekly on Mondays and performs several times a season. Its repertoire includes arrangements for flute ensemble as well as original works.

Harp Ensemble

Rehearses Mondays from 5:30-6:45pm in the McLean/Vienna area*
The Harp Ensemble rehearses weekly on Monday evenings. Its repertoire will include arrangements for harp ensemble as well as original works. Any harpist who has had at least one year of private instruction and plays on an instrument with a minimum of 34 strings with a full set of levers is invited to audition.

Clarinet Ensemble

Rehearses Mondays from 5:15-6:45pm in the McLean/Vienna area*
The Clarinet Ensemble rehearses weekly on Monday evenings and performs several times a season. Its repertoire includes arrangements for clarinet ensemble as well as original works.

Percussion Ensemble

Rehearses once monthly on Mondays from 7:00-9:30pm in the McLean/Vienna area*
The Percussion Ensemble is comprised of percussionists from all orchestras. Under the leadership of Doug Wallace, the Percussion Ensemble has become its own community within the AYPO organization. Percussion Ensemble members play for their aforementioned orchestras, but also rehearse independently to prepare for their own concert in the spring. The Percussion Ensemble has gained national acclaim through its three performances at the Music for All National Festival in Indianapolis, IN in 2012, 2015, and 2024. 


*Ensemble rehearsal times are subject to change at the discretion of the administrative and artistic staff.