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Harp Ensemble


Harp Ensemble
Melissa Tardiff Dvorak, Director

Under the direction of Melissa Dvorak, the Harp Ensemble rehearses weekly on Mondays from 5:30 -
6:45 PM and performs several times a season.

Past seasons of the Harp Ensemble have performed works composed and adapted for Harp Ensemble including works by Salzedo, Andrès, and Ortiz.  Any harpist who has had at least one year of private instruction and plays on an instrument with a minimum of 34 strings with a full set of levers is invited to audition.


Within the program, AYPO will provide two different tracks for harpists of different skill levels.

For those harpists who have had private instruction for at least one year, but do not yet feel that they are ready to audition for one of AYPO’s orchestras:

  • Please apply to the ‘AYPO Harp Ensemble’ using the audition application form.

  • For audition excerpt information, click here.

For those harpists who play pedal harp, have had multiple years of private instruction and are interested in being a symphonic harpist with one of AYPO’s three full orchestras:

  • Please apply to one of AYPO’s orchestras as a symphonic harpist using the audition application. Symphonic harpists will be accepted into the program as members of AYPO as a whole rather than as members of a specific orchestra. These musicians may be asked to play with AYCO, AYSO, and AYP over the course of the season as schedules and the repertoire of the season demand. In addition, these musicians will take part in master classes and group coachings and be members of the Harp Ensemble. Symphonic harpists will also be eligible to audition for the Chamber Ensemble Program and, if accepted, will be invited to participate in that program for an additional $200.

  • For audition excerpt information, click here.

If you apply for an AYPO orchestra and are not accepted, you may still be invited to join the AYPO Harp Ensemble.  


Tuition (Harp Ensemble only): $800
Tuition (Symphonic Harpist & Harp Ensemble): $1,000

Click here for tuition and financial aid information.


Questions about Harp Ensemble can be directed to Derek Maseloff at


Check out our Q&A Sessions with the composers of pieces from our first virtual Harp Ensemble performance of the 2020 season!

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