AYP in Concert
Timothy Dixon, AYP Conductor
Caitlyn Clingenpeel, AYP Concerto Competition winner
HIGDON: Blue Cathedral
BARBER: Violin Concerto, op. 14
ELGAR: Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 36
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Timothy Dixon, AYP Conductor
Caitlyn Clingenpeel, AYP Concerto Competition winner
HIGDON: Blue Cathedral
BARBER: Violin Concerto, op. 14
ELGAR: Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 36
Laura Cahn, AYDO/AYSE conductor
MCLEOD: Billboard March
DAY: Under the Bigtop
CLARK: Dance of the Harlequins
LIPTON: The Flying Trapeze
S.H. NEWBOLD: Fire Dance
SAINT-SAENS: Carnival of the Animals
MEYER: Acrobats
RICKETTS: Sabre Dance
McALISTER: Over the Waves
KROGSTAD: Send in the Clowns
KAZIK: The Greatest Showman
American Youth Concert Orchestra
J.D. Anderson, AYCO conductor
WEBER: Euryanthe Overture MOZART: Violin Concerto No. 3, in G Major. K. 216, Allegro Sophia Go, Concerto Competition Winner DEL BORGO: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night RIMSKY-KORSAKOV/ISAAC: Fandango and Alborada
American Youth Symphonic Orchestra
Glenn Quader, AYSO conductor
BERNSTEIN: Overture to Candide . BRUCH: Violin Concerto No. 1, in g minor, Op. 26, Finale: Allegro energico Audrey Goodner, Concerto Competition Winner TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 17 "Little Russian"
Claire Eichhorn, clarinet
Ricardo Cyncynates, violin and viola
Anna Balakerskaia, piano
MOZART: Kegelstaat Trio, K. 498
BARTOK: Contrasts
KHACHATURIAN: Trio for Clarinet, Violin and Piano
BRUCH: 8 Pieces for Clarinet, Viola and Piano (4 of them)
Timothy Dixon, conductor
WAGNER: Prelude to Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
BRAHMS: Tragic Overture, Op. 81
TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 6, Op. 74 in b minor (Pathetique)
$10 General Admission at the door or purchase online
Glenn Quader, AYSO conductor J.D. Anderson, AYCO conductor
American Youth Concert Orchestra
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Flourish for Winds
BEETHOVEN: Egmont Overture
SCHUBERT: Unfinished Symphony mvmt. 1
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Procession of the Nobles
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV/STONE: Dance of the Tumblers
American Youth Symphonic Orchestra
de FALLA: Spanish Dance No. 1
LECUONA: Andalucia Suite - Andalucia, Malguena, Gitanerias
MARQUEZ: Danzon No. 2
Laura Cahn, conductor
American Youth Debut Orchestra
LONGFIELD: The Irish Baker
NEWBOLD: Slane "Be Thou My Vision"
MCCARRICK: Donegal Fiddles
PHILLIPS: Fantasia on an Original Theme
HORNER: An Irish Party in Third Class
LONGFIELD: Music from Brave
American Youth String Ensemble
ARR. D. WALLACE: Irish Drumming Piece
TRADITIONAL: Londonderry Air
HOLST: St. Paul's Suite
TRADITIONAL: Toss the Feathers
Glenn Quader, AYSO conductor
J. D. Anderson, AYCO conductor
Chantilly High School (map)
VON SUPPE: Light Cavalry Overture
BIZET: Carmen Suite No. 1
VAUGHN WILLIAMS: English Folk Song Suite
HARDIMAN: Lord of the Dance
SAINT-SAENS/ISAAC: Bacchanale from Samson and Delilah
HERBERT: Babes Toyland March
VIVALDI: Concerto for 2 Cellos in G Minor
TCHAIKOVSKY: Waltz of the Flowers from the Nutcracker
TCHAIKOVSKY/ELLINGTON: The Nutcracker Suite (arr. Jeff Tyzik)
Laura Cahn, conductor
Chantilly High School (map)
American Youth Debut Orchestra
MORRICONE: Gabriel's Oboe
LONGFIELD: Italian Holiday
VIVALDI: Largo from Winter
CORELLI: Concerto Grosso Op. 6, No. 8 (Christmas Concerto)
Santa's Classical Christmas
American Youth String Ensemble
VIVALDI: Themes from Concerto in a minor
PUCCINI: Musetta's Waltz
BILLY JOEL: Themes from an Italian Restaurant
MENDELSSOHN: Italian Symphony
ANDERSON: Sleigh Ride
Anna Balakerskaia, piano
Ricardo Cyncynates, violin
Claire Eichhorn, clarinet
David Hardy, cello
GLINKA: Trio Pathetique
Timothy Dixon, conductor
COPLAND: An Outdoor Overture
BERNSTEIN: Symphonic Suite from On The Waterfront
DVORAK: Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95 "From the New World"