2019-2020 Season Performances — American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras

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2019-2020 Season Performances

AYDO and AYSE in Concert - CANCELLED
3:00 PM15:00

AYDO and AYSE in Concert - CANCELLED

  • Richard J. Ernst Community Cultural Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Laura Cahn, AYDO and AYSE Conductor

Kriechbaum, Petite Tango
Spata, Mambo Incognito
Spata, Las Mariposas Exoticas
Meyer, Dia de Los Muertos
Spata, Violet’s Tango

Piazzolla, Libertango
Jobim, Girl from Ipanema
Villa-Lobos, Aria from Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5
Ginastera, Danza Final (from “Estancia”)
La Pera & Gardel, Por Una Cabeza

Tickets $10 - General Admission

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AYCO and AYSO in Concert - CANCELLED
3:00 PM15:00

AYCO and AYSO in Concert - CANCELLED

J. D. Anderson, AYCO Conductor

Bellini, Overture to Norma
del Borgo, Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night
Beethoven, Symphony No. 1 (I)
Khachaturian, Gayne Ballet Suite
AYCO Concerto Competition winner

Glenn Quader, AYSO Conductor

Dvorak, Slavonic Rhapsody No. 1 in D Major
Dvorak, Symphony No. 8 in G Major
AYSO Concerto Competition winner

Tickets $10 - General Admission

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Ensemble da Camera in Concert - CANCELLED
3:00 PM15:00

Ensemble da Camera in Concert - CANCELLED

Claire Eichhorn, clarinet
Ricardo Cyncynates, violin/viola
Anna Balakerskaia, piano

Join us for an evening of music and celebration, presented by AYPO and funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.

“As soloists or as an ensemble, their performances meet the highest international standards, and their busy local performing schedule, when they are not touring, significantly enriches our musical life.”
- The Washington Post

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Flute Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, & Harp Ensemble in Concert
3:00 PM15:00

Flute Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, & Harp Ensemble in Concert

Laura Kaufman Mowry, flute ensemble director
Sharon Bonneau, clarinet ensemble director
Elizabeth Blakeslee, harp ensemble director

AYPO’s Flute Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, and Harp Ensembles perform a joint concert with works adapted and originally composed for flute, clarinet, and harp ensembles.

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AYDO and AYSE in Concert
3:00 PM15:00

AYDO and AYSE in Concert

  • Richard J. Ernst Community Cultural Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Laura Cahn, AYDO and AYSE Conductor

Doug Wallace, Guest Conductor


Soon Hee Newbold, Dragon Dances

Keiko Yamada, Amadare (Raindrops)

arr. E. del Borgo, Korean Folk Song Melody (Arirang)

arr. R. Meyer, Spring Breezes (Folk Song from Taiwan)

Richard Meyer, Ear-igami


Christoph Gluck (arr. J. Hoffman), Overture to Orfeo

Soon Hee Newbold, Perseus

Dmitri Shostakovich (arr. P. Lavender), Waltz No. 2

Doug Spata, Hero’s Welcome (Pavane for String Orchestra)

Doug Wallace, Chimera No. 3

Tickets $10 - General Admission

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AYCO and AYSO in Concert
3:00 PM15:00

AYCO and AYSO in Concert

  • Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall & Arts Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

J. D. Anderson, AYCO Conductor

Von Suppe, Morning, Noon, and Night
Schubert, Symphony No. 5 (I, III, IV)
Strauss, Thunder and Lightning Polka
Del Borgo, Hatikvah

Glenn Quader, AYSO Conductor

Humperdinck, Selections from Hansel & Gretel (Prelude to Act 1, Vorspiel & Prelude to Act 3, Witches’ Ride)

Beethoven, Turkish March (Marcia alla turca)
Beethoven, Symphony No. 7 (Allegretto)
Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 (FInale)

Tickets $10 - General Admission

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Flute Ensemble & Harp Ensemble in Concert
3:00 PM15:00

Flute Ensemble & Harp Ensemble in Concert

Laura Kaufman Mowry, flute ensemble director
Elizabeth Blakeslee, harp ensemble director

AYPO’s Flute Ensemble and Harp Ensemble perform a joint concert just in time for the holidays with works adapted and originally composed for flute, clarinet, and harp ensembles!

To purchase tickets, please click the following link and "Continue as Guest”. Our event is listed as “Harp and Flute Concert'“. PURCHASE TICKETS HERE

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AYDO and AYSE in Concert
3:00 PM15:00

AYDO and AYSE in Concert

West Potomac High School (map)

Laura Cahn, AYDO and AYSE Conductor

Rimsky-Korsakov, Procession of the Nobles
Larionov, Kalinka
Tchaikovsky, Andante Cantabile
Rimsky-Korsakov, Dance of the Tumblers
Morales, Ukrainian Bell Carol
Rimsky-Korsakov, Slava!

Glinka, Russlan and Ludmilla
Prokofiev, Troika
Shostakovich, Waltz No. 2
Khachaturian, Adagio from “Spartacus”
Gliere, Russian Sailors Dance

Tickets $10 - General Admission

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Ensemble da Camera of Washington in Concert
3:00 PM15:00

Ensemble da Camera of Washington in Concert

  • Providence Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Ensemble da Camera of Washington
with guest artists:
Jennifer Kim, violin
Tsuna Sakamoto, viola
David Hardy, cello

Join us for an evening of music presented by AYPO and funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Mozart, Clarinet Quintet in A Major, K. 581
Brahms, Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op. 115

“As soloists or as an ensemble, their performances meet the highest international standards, and their busy local performing schedule, when they are not touring, significantly enriches our musical life.”
- The Washington Post


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