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Senior Spotlight: Christopher Bi, oboe

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Senior Spotlight: Christopher Bi, oboe

Guest User

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYSO (4 years)

A funny, favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

Sight-reading... the fun chaos that happens always reminds me that how we play at concerts is developed, and not ingrained.

What musician inspires you and why?

Benjamin Zander - Search Youtube for his TedTalk "The Transformative Power of Classical Music". It'll change how you view music.

Your advice for young musicians?

For me, because of coursework, I sometimes couldn't practice as regularly as I should, with some of my breaks lasting weeks. What I wished I knew is that your music skill depreciates over time, so by not playing, you're letting all of the technique you built up slide away. The best antidote to this in my opinion is to keep up your playing, even if it's a mere 15 minutes per day.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

I have no idea at the moment, but I'm definitely looking into delving further into some of my academic interests - and using that time to hone my oboe skills!