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Summer String Academy

Summer String Academy


Under the direction of Laura Cahn Wallace, the AYPO Summer String Academy offers young string musicians the opportunity to develop increased skill on their string instrument. Musicians work each day with experienced coaches and older AYPO musician mentors each day. Daily activities can include: orchestra & sectionals, chamber ensemble, fiddle, music theory, and more!

In 2024, Summer String Academy will take place the week of Monday, July 22 through Friday, July 26, 2024 from 9am-4pm at Providence Presbyterian Church.



$450 (+$50 registration fee*)

A foundation-building curriculum including:

  • Orchestra Rehearsals

  • Sectionals

  • Introductory Music Theory

  • Electives

  • Fun outdoor activities!


$500 (+$50 registration fee*)

A skill-deepening curriculum including:

  • Orchestra Rehearsals

  • Sectionals

  • Elective Chamber ensembles

  • Electives such as composition

  • Fun outdoor activities!


$500 (+$50 registration fee*)

A skill-deepening curriculum including:

  • Orchestra Rehearsals

  • Sectionals

  • Chamber ensembles

  • Individual coachings with professional faculty

  • Electives

  • Fun outdoor activities!

* Reservation fee holds a spot in the Academy for any student currently enrolled in AYPO (2023-2024) or non-members accepted into the program.

Audition for Summer String Academy

Any string musician that has not previously participated in an AYPO orchestral program will need to submit a video audition. Please see here for information regarding how to submit a video audition.

A musician audition for Summer String Academy needs only to submit a video of their best performance ability to Recital videos are accepted. Musicians may apply for the advanced or intermediate level but be placed in the preparatory level pending the result of their audition video.

Questions about Summer String Academy can be directed to Molly Schranck at