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Summer String Academy

Summer String Academy


Under the direction of Laura Wallace, the AYPO Summer String Academy offers string musicians the opportunity to develop and enhance ensemble skills. Daily activities include orchestra & sectionals in addition to music electives such as chamber music, music theory, fiddle, viola or other secondary instrument classes.   SSA includes three levels of orchestra to accommodate beginning through advanced string musicians. Students also participate in fun activities like tie-dye, ga-ga ball and water balloon games!

In 2025, Summer String Academy will take place the week of Monday, July 21 through Friday, July 25, 2025.


$500 (+$50 registration fee*)

A foundation-building curriculum including:

  • Orchestra Rehearsals

  • Sectionals

  • Introductory Music Theory

  • Electives

  • Fun outdoor activities!


$500 (+$50 registration fee*)

A skill-deepening curriculum including:

  • Orchestra Rehearsals

  • Sectionals

  • Elective Chamber ensembles

  • Electives such as composition

  • Fun outdoor activities!


$500 (+$50 registration fee*)

A skill-deepening curriculum including:

  • Orchestra Rehearsals

  • Sectionals

  • Chamber ensembles

  • Individual coachings with professional faculty

  • Electives

  • Fun outdoor activities!

* Reservation fee holds a spot in the Academy for any student currently enrolled in AYPO (2024-2025) or non-members accepted into the program.


Dates: Monday, July 21 - Friday, July 25, 2025

Time: 9AM-4PM with a performance for family and friends on Friday afternoon

Location: Providence Presbyterian Church (9019 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax VA 22031)

Ages: Rising 4th graders to Rising 9th graders (grade in fall 2025)

Instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass

Requirements: Any string musician that has not previously participated in an AYPO orchestral program will need to submit a video audition. A musician audition for Summer String Academy needs only to submit a video of their best performance ability on their application form. Recital videos are accepted. Musicians may apply for the advanced or intermediate level but be placed in the preparatory level pending the result of their audition video.

Application: Due May 1, 2025. The full tuition is due at time of application. Upon completion of the form, $560.73 payment ($500 tuition + $50 application fee + a 1.95% non-refundable credit card processing fee) will hold your participation spot at Summer Music Academy. Please note, $500 tuition only is 100% refundable up until June 20, 2025. From June 20th through July 20th, the $500 is 50% refundable, and after the start of the camp, the tuition is not refundable.  

Questions about Summer String Academy can be directed to Mary Kunkemueller at