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Summer Winds Academy

Summer Winds Academy

Under the Direction of Laura K. Mowry, this intensive week-long program focuses on chamber ensemble performance skills. Summer Winds Academy aims to foster students' creativity and musical expression through chamber music, while also developing crucial collaborative and communication skills essential for success in both music and life.

This summer, the AYPO Summer Winds Academy will be held in July 21-25, 2025 and will include:

  • Assignment to a wind chamber music group and large ensemble 

  • Daily chamber ensemble coachings with resident faculty ensemble: District5 Wind Quintet 

  • Masterclasses on individual instruments

  • Participation in a culminating concert on July 25, with performances by all participating groups

  • Fun activities to bolster collaborative, communication, and leadership skills

  • Seminars on improvisation, paths for continuing music after high school, and preparing successful auditions. 


Dates: Monday, July 21 - Friday, July 25, 2025

Time: 9AM-3PM with a performance for family and friends on Friday afternoon

Location: TBD

Ages: Rising 9th- high school graduates before college 

Instruments: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, and French Horn only

Requirements: Recording of 3-5 minute excerpt of playing.  Any solo piece is acceptable. No accompaniment required.  

Application Due: April 1, 2025. The full tuition is due at time of application. Upon completion of the form, $560.73 payment ($500 tuition + $50 application fee + a 1.95% non-refundable credit card processing fee) will hold your participation spot at Summer Music Academy. Please note, $500 tuition only is 100% refundable up until June 20, 2025. From June 20th through July 20th, the $500 is 50% refundable, and after the start of the camp, the tuition is not refundable.

Questions about Summer Winds Academy can be directed to Mary Kunkemueller at