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AYSO & AYCO First Concert of the 22-23 Season

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On Sunday, November 20th, the American Youth Symphonic Orchestra (AYSO) and the American Youth Concert Orchestra (AYCO) had their first concert of the season.

American Youth Symphonic Orchestra, conducted by Glenn Quader, performed first on the concert, playing Copland’s lively “Hoe-Down,” Verdi’s dynamic “Nabucco Overture,” Gounod’s playful “Funeral March of a Marionette,” and Tchaikovsky’s sweeping “Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture.” Following intermission, the American Youth Concert Orchestra, conducted by Doug Martin, performed Bach’s rhythmic “Fugue in G minor,” Barnes’ dreamy "Yorkshire Ballad,” Beethoven’s moody “Egmont Overture,” Diemer’s modern “Youth Overture,” and Strauss’s stormy “Thunder and Lightning Polka.” The concert was a hit, boasting one of the largest AYPO audience’s in recent history.