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AYP joins the NSO onstage at the Kennedy Center

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Musicians from the American Youth Philharmonic (AYP) were excited to join the NSO onstage Tuesday, November 1st, performing selections from Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4 with NSO Music Director Gianandrea Noseda. Musicians then performed this work and Verdi’s Overture to La forza del destino at the first AYPO orchestra concert of the 58th season at Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center on Sunday, November 6th.

With the impact of COVID in 2020 and cancellation of all in-person events, the planned NSO side-by-side to perform Mahler, Symphony No. 5 in March 2020 was unfortunately impacted. The last time AYP had an NSO side-by-side rehearsal was in March 2018, also under the baton of NSO Conductor, Gianandrea Noseda. This year, the musicians had the amazing opportunity to join a Q&A session with Maestro Noseda before rehearsing the first two movements of the Symphony.

This was an incredible opportunity to share with the AYP musicians from the 22-23 season, and we look forward to joining the NSO onstage again in the future. AYPO is thankful to all those with the NSO, Education Department, and Kennedy Center staff to make this possible.