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AYPO Concerto Competition winners to perform at May 2023 Concerts!

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The winners of the 2022-2023 AYPO Concerto Competition from AYCO, AYSO, and AYP will be performing with their orchestra in May 2023 at the Schlesinger Concert Hall & Arts Center.

AYCO Winner:
Anne Valerie Ter, piano
Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 16 (Grieg)

AYSO Winner:
Louis Westerman, clarinet
Clarinet Concerto No. 1 in F minor, Op. 73 (Weber)

AYP Winner:
Joshua Thrush, bass
Double Bass Concerto, No. 2, Kr172I. (von Dittersdorf)

Thank you again to all of the applicants for participating in the 2023 AYPO Concerto Competition!