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AYDO & AYSE in First Concert of the 22-23 Season

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The American Youth Debut Orchestra and the American Youth String Ensemble presented their first performance of the 2022-2023 season at the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center in Alexandria on Sunday, December 11th.

The American Youth Debut Orchestra and the American Youth String Ensemble are performing a New York to L.A. theme this season, starting with a New York City themed performance. AYDO began the performance with The Star-Spangled Banner. They also performed a newer composition, Grand Central, with various solos performed by musicians throughout the orchestra, as well as Van Morrison's Moondance and the seasonal Somewhere in My Memory from the popular Christmas movie, Home Alone. Pieces performed by AYSE included well-known Broadway showtunes from West Side Story such as America and One Hand, One Heart, an arrangement for string orchestra of An American in Paris by Gershwin, and AYSE finished the holiday season concert in Santa hats and reindeer antlers by performing Leroy Anderson's classic, Sleigh Ride.