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Senior Spotlight: Eliza Cattaneo, Viola

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Senior Spotlight: Eliza Cattaneo, Viola

Miranda Martin Southwood

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

I played in AYDO for two years, AYSE for two years, AYCO for one year, AYSO for two years, and AYP for one year.

What is your current AYPO orchestra and ensemble?


Your advice for young musicians?

Find the kind of music and practicing that works for you, don’t worry about what other people expect of you. Music is supposed to be for you, so make it something you love.

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, International Studies

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

Playing the Star Wars theme with light strips on our bows when I was in AYSE!

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

I want to travel, and I’d love to someday play music abroad.

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

Sammy Rae inspires me because she is completely, unapologetically herself. She makes music that she loves and doesn’t worry about being a marketable image.