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Senior Spotlight: Andrew Egerstrom, French Horn

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Senior Spotlight: Andrew Egerstrom, French Horn

Miranda Martin Southwood

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYP for the 2021-22 season

Your advice for young musicians?

If you're passionate about music or starting to become really interested, take as many playing opportunities as you can get, but don't overwhelm yourself.

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, Music Performance - Horn

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

Playing the Shostakovich 5 low horn tutti with a very strong low horn section sound was super memorable. I love practicing that excerpt and getting to actually play it in context at a concert was super cool.

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

I want to play in an orchestra as my full time job and maybe teach a studio on the side.

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

My guy Christian Leon is a huge inspiration to me. He's a great friend, great horn player, and very musically talented across the board and he's someone I often look at for advice from, whether he knows it or not, on things about horn playing.

What additional memories or advice would you like to share?

My college plans would not be what they are without the generosity of AYP. I had played in the orchestra for not even a year but tried to be a great member of the group and my section the entire time, and I was very luckily picked as an AYP Blue Ribbon Scholarship recipient. I wouldn't be able to go to my top college of without AYP, and I am very thankful for all they have done for me.