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Senior Spotlight: Alayna Binder, Oboe

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Senior Spotlight: Alayna Binder, Oboe

Miranda Martin Southwood

What is your current AYPO orchestra and ensemble?


What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYP (2 years), AYSO (2 years)

Your advice for young musicians?

Listen to and explore as many genres of music as possible! Getting exposed to many different types and stylistic variations of music is incredibly helpful in developing your sound and expression.

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Duke University, Biology

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

Despite the craziness of a fully virtual year of AYP, I enjoyed getting closer to the woodwind section and being able to bond in a unique setting.

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

I hope to continue music in college and play in a school ensemble. Beyond that, I'd love to work in the healthcare/medicine or biotech field.

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

Oboist Alex Klein. I attended one of his masterclasses several years ago. I remember being inspired by both his story and his wonderful playing.