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Senior Spotlight: Maija Tarjamo, flute

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Senior Spotlight: Maija Tarjamo, flute

Miranda Martin Southwood

MATT MENDELSOHN PHOTOGRAPHYstudio 703.548.1669 | cell 703.795.8659 |

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYP- 1 year
AYSO- 1 year
Flute Ensemble- 2 years

Your advice for young musicians?

My advice for young musicians is never be afraid to look for a better opportunity for yourself to improve.

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Northwestern University, Flute Performance

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

My favorite memory was going out to taco bell with my flute friends before our first AYSO concert. We bought a ton of tacos and shared the food amongst each other while talking about our dreams and what music meant to us.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

After high school graduation I will go to Northwestern University where I will major in Flute Performance. I hope from all my hard work at college I will leave as a professional musician. I want to be able to perform all around the world.

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

Laura Kaufman has inspired me from our first meeting for my flute ensemble audition. Laura made me appreciate music in a whole new way, she is patient, attentive, and encouraged me to push beyond my boundaries. This challenge helped me take my playing to a whole new level. I'm so thankful to have met such an amazing teacher and will hold onto her teachings for the rest of my life.