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Recent News

Notice Regarding AYPO's 20-21 Audition Process

Chloe McIntosh

Dear AYPO Community, 

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, AYPO has continued creative programming by providing remote digital learning experiences for our students. Traditionally, we hold our in-person auditions in early June. This year, however, we will be transitioning to a video audition process. We believe this is the best way to protect the health and safety of our students and staff. 

For the approaching 20-21 Season Auditions, we are making the following changes which we hope will ease the process for all applicants. Please read carefully, and if you have questions do not hesitate to send an email to

  1. We will not host live, in-person auditions in June. AYPO will require a video submission of your prepared audition materials, due Monday, June 1, 2020. Instructions on how to submit a video audition can be found here

  2. We are currently in the process of developing online auditions support for any who feel the need for additional advice and guidance. We will post more information on the website as soon as it is available.

  3. New percussion applicants, please see updated audition excerpts here

  4. Current (19-20) flute, harp, clarinet, percussion, and chamber ensemble participants, please see the information in your weekly emails regarding your specific audition process. 

  5. If you have an extenuating circumstance (e.g. you do not have access to your audition instrument or equipment to make a video), please write to

We will be in frequent touch with our AYPO community throughout the remainder of the season in regards to any updates considering auditions. Stay healthy!  


AYPO Administrative & Artistic Staff