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American Youth String Ensemble takes home Grand Champion trophy at the ASTA National Orchestra Festival

Chloe McIntosh

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Congratulations to the American Youth String Ensemble members for winning Middle School Grand Champion in the 2020 ASTA National Orchestra Festival! Middle school groups competed in the festival on Friday, March 6th in Orlando, Florida.

Our second youngest orchestra, the American Youth String Ensemble (AYSE), was selected with six similar aged groups from around the country to take part in the recent American String Teachers Festival in Orlando, FL. It is a matter for justifiable pride, and a recognition of the high standards maintained across the AYPO programs, that the ensemble won the first prize as Grand Champion in their sector. The ASTA festival is regarded as the premiere event for string orchestras in the United States.

We are incredibly proud of our students, who played with artistry and finesse on a demanding program. We are so thankful to everyone who helped to make this happen: Laura Cahn and Doug Wallace for their superior artistic leadership, our wonderful chaperones who worked tirelessly to make sure the trip was a success, and to the American String Teachers Association for this tremendous opportunity.

[Further information from Dr Graham Elliott; Executive Director, AYPO. Email: Tel: 703-642-8053]

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