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Recent News


Molly Schranck

Friday, March 13, 2020

To all members of the AYPO community:

Two days ago, I sent out a message to all involved in AYPO to explain the situation as it then existed, and our constant monitoring of the coronavirus situation. The announcements that Loudoun County Public Schools are closing for more than a week and that Fairfax County has cancelled community use events through April 12th impacts what AYPO is doing.

In the previous message, I stated "Since we draw students from neighboring counties, we feel that any school system closure in the following should trigger the decision to suspend activity for however long the advisory lasts: Loudoun County Public Schools, Arlington Public Schools, Alexandria City Public Schools, and Fairfax County Public Schools.” The closure of Loudoun Public schools, and the restriction on access to FCPS, therefore triggers our own decision to suspend activity.

After consultation with the AYPO conductors, we have decided to cancel all activity up to, and including, spring break. All normal activities, will recommence on Monday, 13th April. 

There will be some inevitable impact on planned performances, but we will work to mitigate that impact. To maintain momentum the conductors and ensemble directors will maintain, through the office, contact with their students. They will find creative ways to keep students engaged and active in order to have the minimum impact on their learning and performance development. The AYPO office staff will continue to work as usual. 

The following AYPO activities and events are now cancelled:

  • Music Buddies sessions on 3/13, 3/27, 4/3

  • Monday rehearsals on 3/16, 3/23, 3/30

  • VA Harp Festival rehearsal & performance on March 20th

  • AYP Dress Rehearsal on Saturday, March 21st

  • AYP Concert on Sunday, March 22nd [we will seek to find a viable alternative date for this program]

  • AYPO Community Outreach Performance @ Lincolnia, March 25th

  • AYPO Community Outreach Performance @ Brightview, March 28th

  • AYPO Chamber Ensemble Masterclass, March 29th

  • AYP Side-by-side rehearsal with NSO on Monday, March 30th

Dr. Graham Elliott
Executive Director