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AYPO Alumnus Feature - Brian Hong, violin

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AYPO Alumnus Feature - Brian Hong, violin

Miranda Martin Southwood

A year in review -

In January 2020, the American Youth Philharmonic performed for the the first time at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C. The orchestra was joined by AYPO alumnus, Brian Hong, who performed the Sibelius Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47. We hope that all AYPO families and alumni enjoy seeing and hearing from alum, Brian Hong.  

Message from Brian Hong:

To all my friends and colleagues at AYPO,

As the holiday season passes, we all find ourselves in varying states of isolation. I am sure that many of you miss playing chamber music, as do I; and the world needs great music more than ever before.  In this spirit, I would like to offer you a gift of a personal chamber music concert curated for you by myself and my colleagues here at NEXUS Chamber Music Chicago, performed and recorded at Guarneri Hall.  


Giovanni Battista Viotti: String Trio in G Major

Texu Kim: "Homage to Anonymous Ancient Fiddlers"

Augusta Read Thomas: "Silent Moon" for Violin and Cello

Arcangelo Corelli: Sonata de Chiesa in B minor, Op. 3 No. 4

Zoltan Kodaly: Duo for Violin and Cello, Op. 7

The concert is interspersed with a music video and some artist profiles we filmed!  I sincerely hope you all enjoy, and I wish you all a safe and healthy holiday season.

Until we can meet again,

Brian Hong

Program:Giovanni Battista Viotti: String Trio in G Major, W. 3.15 1. Allegro vivace e risoluto 2. Andante con espressione 3. PrestoTexu Kim: "Hom...