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AYSO performs its first virtual concert - December 13, 2020

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AYSO performs its first virtual concert - December 13, 2020

Miranda Martin Southwood

Join AYSO in its first virtual concert! Conductor Glenn Quader starts the AYSO season with selections from Prokofiev's Romeo & Juliet.

A message from Conductor Glenn Quader:

Dear Parents and Friends of the AYSO, Thank you for your continued support of the AYPO and for tuning in to appreciate the amazing talents of our orchestras. It has been my honor to continue as conductor of the very capable Symphonic Orchestra. It is continually gratifying to work with these fine young musicians.

The premise of this video performance needs no explanation. Rather, what is to be celebrated are the outstanding achievements of our players in an uncharted and untested realm. Our players had to transition from honing their ensemble skills in a live rehearsal setting to becoming experts in the recording studio environment. The technological challenges alone could have easily stopped us in our tracks. Yet what you will witness and enjoy in the production is the determination of our members to uphold the exceedingly high standard they themselves have created through generations of AYPO.

None of what you will see would have been possible without the tireless work of Dr. Elliot, who secured the funding to provide weekly sessions with the incredible AYPO coaching staff. We are also indebted to Miranda Martin and Molly Schranck for their infallible savvy in keeping us operational in a virtual world. Of course the production itself is to be credited to the stunning work of Doug Wallace, whose care and artistry with our performances is something to behold.

Please sit back and enjoy the tremendous work of the AYSO, and join me in taking great pride in their overwhelming success. I hope you have a safe and happy Holiday season.


Glenn Quader

Conductor - American Youth Symphonic Orchestra