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AYPO Receives "Good Neighbor Grant" from The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Recent News

AYPO Receives "Good Neighbor Grant" from The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Molly Schranck

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation recently announced the award of a $25,000 Good Neighbor grant to The American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras (AYPO), to support its 2019-2020 Tuition assistance Program. This grant will increase the funding available to support the membership of children to the AYPO programs for those who might otherwise, for financial reasons, be unable to take up places in the five orchestras and six instrumental ensembles offered by AYPO.

This award builds on the recognition which AYPO received for its 54 years of service to the community by ARTSFAIRFAX when it made AYPO recipient of its 2018 Arts Education Award. This prestigious organization enjoys wide national recognition for the consistently high standards of public performances achieved by the orchestras and ensembles, and the important, and often life-changing training given by a highly skilled artistic staff.

AYPO alumni are to be found in some of the leading national professional orchestras, as well as public school and private teachers in the region.

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need. Since 2000, the Foundation has awarded $190 million in scholarships to nearly 2,500 students from 8th grade through graduate school, along with comprehensive counseling and other support services. The Foundation has also provided over $100 million in grants to organizations that serve such students.

[Contact Dr Graham Elliott for further Tel 703-642-8053]