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Senior Spotlight: Nikhil Kuntipuram, Percussion

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Senior Spotlight: Nikhil Kuntipuram, Percussion

Guest User

What is your current AYPO ensemble?

Philharmonic (AYP) & Percussion Ensemble

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

DO/SE 19-20, CO/SO 20-21, AYP 21-22, AYP 22-23, AYP 23-24

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Princeton University to study Public and International Affairs with a Minor in Music Performance

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

“I hope to attend university to advance both my academic and music career. I plan to combine my passions for international relations and music to learn how to utilize the arts as a tool for cultural diplomacy.”

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

“Both trips I got to experience with AYPO were some of the most memorable experiences of my life (the Orlando trip with AYSE in 2019 right before COVID, and the Indianapolis trip in 2024 with the AYPO Percussion Ensemble).”

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

“The National Symphony Orchestra has always been a group which I have fondly looked up to. I remember vividly going to the Kennedy center with my family since I was a kid, and it was a significant factor which sparked my musical interest. Just years later getting to play alongside them with AYP was truly an exciting moment for me.”

Your advice for young musicians?

“Try to reflect on why you do music in the first place. Sometimes, we end up getting in our heads while we strive for perfection, but remember what music does for you. For me, it not only brings me joy, but it facilitates connection, friendships, and lasting memories.”

Any closing thoughts?

I just want to say that AYP has given me some of the closest friends I have, and I hope to take the memories I've made with this organization throughout the rest of my life. I'm so thankful for all the amazing directors and staff who have helped me grow since I was 12 when I joined the organization. I'll miss this group a lot!”

Congratulations, Nikhil!