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Senior Spotlight: Ethan Larimore, Violin

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Senior Spotlight: Ethan Larimore, Violin

Guest User

What is your current AYPO ensemble?

Symphonic Orchestra (AYSO)

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYSO 22-23, AYSO 23-24

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

University of California Los Angeles to study Mathematics/Economics

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

“I plan to continue making music through UCLA's undergraduate orchestras.”

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

“Playing Tchaikovsky''s Romeo and Juliet for my first AYSO concert.”

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

“A former stand partner of mine, Zayd Khan, has greatly inspired me through my musical journey. His dedication and expertise has inspired me toward being the best musician I can be.”

Your advice for young musicians?

“Keep practicing! For your goals to come one day, make today day one.”

Congratulations, Ethan!