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Senior Spotlight: Arsenii Zharkov, Viola

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Senior Spotlight: Arsenii Zharkov, Viola

Guest User

What is your current AYPO ensemble?

Philharmonic (AYP)

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYSE 19-20, AYCO 20-21, AYSO 21-22, AYP 22-23, AYP 23-24

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Amherst College to study Mathematics

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

“I want to become a math professor to teach and do research at an institution like Princeton University, MIT, or Williams College.”

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

“One time after there was a long break from rehearsals and the next one was on a Tuesday, I forgot my instrument at school and didn’t realize until it was too late, so since I couldn’t play at rehearsal without my instrument, I had to call in an absence.”

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

“Tabea Zimmerman has been an inspiration to me as a well-versed violist - her artistry and emotional depth in interpreting repertoire ranging from Bach to contemporary works inspires me through her ability to bring new life into every piece she plays.”

Your advice for young musicians?

“Playing in an ensemble is all about being able to listen to your surroundings as you play, so beyond learning how to play well on your own, learn how to sightread well enough to still be able to blend in to your section when rehearsing parts you haven’t practiced as much.”

Congratulations, Arsenii!