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AYS & AYP in Concert

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The American Youth Sinfonietta and the American Youth Philharmonic performed on Sunday, March 19th at the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center. 

For the American Youth Sinfonietta, this was their debut performance on the Schlesinger stage, performing selections from Bizet's Carmen Suite, the entire Holberg Suite by Grieg, David Cameron's Ballade, with Ellin Kwak, piano, and Danza Final from Estancia, by Ginastera joined by the American Youth Philharmonic percussionists. American Youth Sinfonietta promises to delight audiences in their third and final concert of the season on May 6th at 3:00pm at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, DC.

American Youth Philharmonic, marking March as the third concert of the season, started the program with exciting Huapango by José Pablo Moncayo and dazzled audiences with the performance of Rachmaninoff's Symphonic Dances. They prepare for the fourth and final concert at Schlesinger Concert Hall with the von Dittersdorf Double Bass Concerto, performed by concerto competition winner, Joshua Thrush, and the much anticipated Mahler Symphony No. 1.