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AYCO & AYSO Second Concert of the 22-23 Season

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On Sunday, February 12th, the American Youth Concert Orchestra (AYCO) and the American Youth Symphonic Orchestra (AYSO) had their second concert of the season.

 American Youth Concert Orchestra, conducted by Doug Martin, performed first on the concert, playing Bellini’s adventurous “Norma Overture,” Bryant’s vivid “Dusk,” Delibes’ playful “March and Procession of Bacchus,” and von Suppé’s regal “Poet and Peasant Overture.” Following intermission, the American Youth Symphonic Orchestra, conducted by Glenn Quader, performed Mussorgsky’s moody “Night on Bald Mountain” and the incredibly impressive “Enigma Variations” from Elgar – the first time in AYPO’s history that the variations have been performed in their entirety.