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Senior Spotlight: Jordyn Styles, Viola

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Senior Spotlight: Jordyn Styles, Viola

Miranda Martin Southwood

What is your current AYPO orchestra and ensemble?


What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

I played in AYCO for 2 years and AYSO for 2 years.

Your advice for young musicians?

My advice for young musicians would be to get to know the people in your section really well. It's easy to isolate yourself in a bubble when you only see the people you're playing with for a couple hours a week, but nothing makes the experience of orchestra more exciting than enjoying the company of your peers. Having that friendship and intimacy with your fellow musicians can only make the music better.

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Virginia Tech, English

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

My favorite AYPO experience was my very first concert in AYCO. It was my first time playing with an orchestra that big and in a venue that made me feel like I was a real, authentic musician. It was magical.

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

After graduation, I plan on studying English at Virginia Tech. After earning my Bachelor's degree, I plan on moving to New York to work in the publishing industry or as a journalist. Throughout college and afterwards I'd like to continue participating in orchestra.

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

Over the last four years, I think the musician that's inspired me most is our sectional coach, Tsuna Sakamoto. She’s always provided us with a slew of advice and anecdotes from her own years of being a musician, while still keeping our sectionals playful and light-hearted. I admire her wisdom greatly, and I truly believe I am a better orchestral musician now because of her guidance.