Senior Spotlight: Catherine Kane, Violin — American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras

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Senior Spotlight: Catherine Kane, Violin

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Senior Spotlight: Catherine Kane, Violin

Miranda Martin Southwood

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYDO 15-16; AYSE 16-18; AYCO 19-20; AYSO 20-21; AYP 21-22

Your advice for young musicians?

Get to know the other musicians in the ensemble! I have met some of the most special people in my life through school orchestra and AYPO. Even though there is a tendency to see your fellow musicians as purely "colleagues" towards a performance goal, I have found forming genuine friendships to be such an investment in the ensemble-building aspect of playing together.

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Macalester College, Political Science

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

Ms. Cahn programmed a "Bach to the Future" theme for AYSE's 2016-2017 season. The first concert we played was an all-Bach program; a daunting task but nonetheless greatly rewarding. We played the all-Bach concert at Church of the Epiphany, a gorgeous 19th Century Gothic style church in Washington, D.C. The rafters and tall ceiling in the church mimicked the original setting in which Bach's pieces would have been performed, which completely elevated the performing experience. Hearing the sound of Bach's music in its rightful setting stands out as a special concert I played in my six seasons with AYPO!

What do you hope to do after graduation or your more long-term goals?

I will be attending Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, to study political science and writing. After Macalester, I hope to become a print journalist. In college and beyond, I plan to continue playing violin, particularly chamber music.

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

I have had the joy of knowing Mrs. Laura (Cahn) Wallace since I was in sixth grade when I was in AYDO and AYSE. My freshman year of high school, I joined her private studio. Ms. Cahn can teach and conduct an entire ensemble to perform beautifully and know how to meet the needs of every student before her. She is truly passionate, wise, and kind in her approach to everything she does. I am so fortunate to have learned from her for seven years.