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Senior Spotlight: Rachel Petrovich, trombone

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Senior Spotlight: Rachel Petrovich, trombone

Miranda Martin Southwood

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

This is my first year in AYPO, and I am currently a trombonist in AYP.

Your advice for young musicians?

Immerse yourself in music! Never feel limited to just the resources that are in front of you - explore new genres, audition for various ensembles, and invest time into what makes you happy.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

My biggest goal in life is to continue performing music, whether it be through pit ensembles of musicals, jazz bands, or in a professional orchestra. I also hope to continue my passion for the environment & sustainability!

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

University of Miami (Frost School of Music), Music Performance, and a minor in Ecosystem Science and Policy

A funny, favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

A memorable AYPO experience for me was watching my first AYP performance with my family. I felt proud of our orchestra and what we were able to accomplish just through Zoom rehearsals!

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

Tommy Dorsey is a favorite musician of mine. I always find myself integrating his style and effortless trombone playing into aspects of both my classical and jazz repertoire. Listening to him perform is a beautiful reminder of my grandparents, who grew up surrounded by his sound and love of music.