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Senior Spotlight: Austin Watkinson, trumpet

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Senior Spotlight: Austin Watkinson, trumpet

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Austin Watkinson.jpg

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

I started with AYCO in 7th grade, played with AYSO, and now with AYP.

Your advice for young musicians?

I'll share the advice we've received from Mr. Dunkel in sectionals - "Don't be afraid to sound bad; just keep will get better."

What college/university do you plan on attending this fall?

Emory University, Woodruff Scholar; Music and Philosophy, Politics and Law.

A favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

When Dr. Elliott encouraged me to start my own trumpet ensemble, I had no idea how rewarding that journey would be for all involved. As a Junior, I stood up a trumpet ensemble that placed as a semi-finalist in the National Trumpet Competition 2021. Three of the trumpet players in this ensemble were Virginia's top 3 players this year. Thanks to Dr. Elliott for the inspiration and thanks to Dave Detwiler for his Artistic support, as our trumpet instructor and conductor.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

Continue bringing music opportunities to communities that need them.

What musician, conductor, or orchestra inspires you and why?

Of course, all trumpet players love Elmer Churampi, for his amazing work ethic and the quality music that he shares on YouTube. Gustavo Dudamel is another favorite; I love to watch him conduct the LA Philharmonic; how he interacts with the musicians has the effect of bringing the music to life for his listeners.