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AYPO welcomes a new staff member - Josh Ellis, Orchestra Manager

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AYPO welcomes a new staff member - Josh Ellis, Orchestra Manager

Miranda Martin Southwood

Josh Ellis joined AYPO in May 2021 after earning his B.A. in Music and M.A. in Arts Management from George Mason University. In 2014, Josh was given the Excellence in the Arts award at the Kennedy Center, awarded by the National Society for Arts and Letters. For 2 years in undergrad, he served as the Music Librarian and Assistant Manager of the wind symphony at the GMU School of Music. From there he went on to become the Orchestra Manager and Production Assistant at the Sewanee Summer Music Festival in Sewanee, Tennessee for both summer 2018 and 2019. More experience comes from his time at the Kennedy Center, at Wolf Trap as an opera administrative intern, George Mason Center for the Arts in artist services, and attending conferences such as the Nancy Hanks Lecture in DC and Sphinx Conference in Detroit. As Orchestra Manager, Josh manages the day-to-day functions of the American Youth Concert Orchestra and American Youth Symphonic Orchestra and multiple ensembles.

Josh can be reached at