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Senior Spotlight: Alex Swers (clarinet)

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Senior Spotlight: Alex Swers (clarinet)

Chloe McIntosh

Alex Swers Clarinet 8-19.JPG

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYP (2018-2020) and AYCO (2017-2018)

A funny, favorite, or memorable AYPO experience?

My most memorable AYPO experience was getting to rehearse Mahler's Symphony No. 5 in AYP this year. Even though we didn't get to play it, I still enjoyed getting to play through a prominent piece in the orchestral repertoire.

What musician inspires you and why?

Richie Hawley. He's an outstanding clarinet player and professor. His recording of Rachmaninoff's Symphony No. 2 helped me learn how to play the clarinet solo that was part of the AYPO 2017-2018 audition. Ricardo Morales is also a huge inspiration for me. Listening to his playing has helped my improve my playing on many important clarinet pieces and excerpts.

Your advice for young musicians?

Practice your instrument to be the best you can be, not to be better than someone else.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

After graduation, I will attend Oberlin Conservatory to study clarinet performance with Professor Richard Hawkins. Ultimately, I hope to perform in an orchestra or military band.