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Recent News

AYPO Update on Season Events

Molly Schranck

Dear AYPO Staff, Parents and Students,

I am sure that you have all been watching the announcement from the Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, stating that all schools will remain closed until the end of the academic year. Needless to say, this is news we were hoping never to hear! I want to give you a positive message from AYPO.

All sorts of programs are being severely impacted by the current crisis, and we are no exception as now all AYPO rehearsals and performances are cancelled for the remainder of the season. As you know, the Artistic Staff is putting its creative minds to finding effective ways to maintain the momentum of our activity for the students. I urge every student and parent to take full advantage of what is offered. Online learning is now the message we all carry, and I am delighted by the creativity of our staff in finding ways to stay in contact with their ensembles and orchestras. Of course it is not the same as having in-person weekly contact, but we will all learn valuable lessons from this enforced experience. Our greatest asset is our extraordinarily gifted and committed staff, and our gifted students and engaged parents. Together we will weather this and bounce back in September. 

New details are being refined for video auditions for next season. We are also aiming to assist any who would like guidance in preparing their audition (and those who may be temporarily unable to work with their private teacher). When we have the full details worked out over the next few days, we will let you know.

Meanwhile, I encourage those of you already in the program to send in your application for audition as soon as possible. Our numbers have been climbing each year, so the sooner we receive your application, the sooner we can get ahead with planning the adjudication of the entries. 

There have been some outstanding successes this season, and more were in the pipeline, but they will be carried forward to next season. Make sure that you are with us to benefit!

Please be in touch with me, or my colleagues to answer any questions or concerns you might have. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.


Graham Elliott 
Executive Director