AYPO Chamber Ensembles on the Millennium Stage — American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras

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AYPO Chamber Ensembles on the Millennium Stage

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AYPO Chamber Ensembles on the Millennium Stage

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Students from the AYPO Chamber Ensemble Program performed on the Millennium Stage at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on May 22. More than 200 people attended the free concert that featured works by Brahms, Mozart, Schumann, Fernandez and Beethoven.

Congratulations to the following students on their performance: Xander Day (flute), Jasper de Boor (violin), Christina French (bassoon), Catie George (clarinet), Betelihem Hadgu (violin), Cameron Harper (clarinet), Annika Hsu (violin), Caley Koch (cello), Juliana Layendecker (violin), Ryan Lee (viola), Calvin Liu (violin), Clara Na (piano), Sam Panner (violin), Daniel Park (piano), Sharon Park (cello), Segada Panano (bassoon), Shannon Prescott (oboe/english horn), Won Seok Song (cello), Courtney Tern (clarinet), and Ella Wood (viola).

The AYPO Chamber Ensembles are coached by the Ensemble da Camera of Washington (Claire Eichhorn, clarinet; Ricardo Cyncynates, violin; Anna Balakerskaia, piano).