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JP Wogaman

JP Wogaman.jpg

JP Wogaman

Years in AYPO: 2010-2013

Instrument: Trumpet 

Current Occupation: Double Major in Trumpet Performance and Composition at University of Michigan

Current City of Residence:  Ann Arbor, MI 

Current Musical Involvement: orchestra, band, trumpet quartet, freelance playing in Ann Arbor, some teaching, composition

Favorite Piece to Perform: Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony

Is there a specific memory or experience that impacted your decision to pursue a music career? Listening to the film scores of John Williams when I was in middle school. 

Any advice for young musicians interested in pursuing a music career? Be friendly with everyone. You don’t have to be best friends with everybody that you meet, but it really doesn’t matter how good you get at your instrument, how well you conduct, or how good your own music is if no wants to work with you and no one wants to come to your performances.