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Jason Day

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Jason Day

Years in AYPO: 1989-1991

Instrument: Violin

Current Occupation: Owner/General Manager Day Violins LLC

Current City of Residence: Herndon, Virginia

Current Musical Involvement: Suzuki Violin Instructor/Freelance Musician

Favorite Piece to Perform: Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture

Is there a specific memory or experience that impacted your decision to pursue a music career? For as long as I could remember music was a part of my life.  I really enjoyed playing the violin and when I was a teenager, I realized that I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.  At that time, so many things brought me happiness in music but the one thing I enjoyed most was playing in an orchestra.  Playing in a large ensemble like AYPO (Known back then as the Northern Virginia Youth Symphony) was a remarkable experience for me because I was making music with my peers who loved music just as much as I did. Later as a college student, one experience I will never forget is hearing the Cleveland Orchestra play Mahler’s 8th Symphony also known as the “Symphony of A Thousand”. It was a moment in my life that I knew I wanted to be a musician and play as often as I could because I loved it so much.  

Any advice for young musicians interested in pursuing a music career? For a young person pursuing a possible musical career, one thing I can say for sure is there is no substitute for hard work.  As you learn to play your instrument, study with your instructor to perfect your craft, remember that talent can only take you so far.  However if you couple that talent with hard work and dedication, you will reach your goals.