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Molly Schranck

Molly Schranck
Director of Operations

Molly Schranck is a Northern Virginia native with a background in piano and arts management. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music with honors from Longwood University and an Master of Arts in Arts Management from George Mason University. Molly came to AYPO from Études, a D.C. music school. There, she managed the private lessons programs in piano, violin and voice, helped develop and implement a summer music camp for young children, and assisted in developing company policies and procedures. She also previously served as a marketing intern for the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts and a Music Camp Director for Lopez Studios, Inc. in Reston. In 2023, Molly served as the Business Director for the Greater Washington Suzuki Institute.

Molly has previously managed all instrumental ensembles at AYPO, and currently manages the Philharmonic Sinfonietta, and Percussion Ensemble.