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JCE Mentorship


Junior Chamber ensemble mentorship program

The AYPO Junior Chamber Ensemble Program Mentorship program provides middle school age AYPO musicians with the chance to learn early concepts of performing as a chamber musician. Mentors for the Junior Chamber Ensemble Program are string musicians from the American Youth Philharmonic (AYP) and the American Youth Symphonic Orchestra (AYSO). Mentors provide feedback and assistance to the young Junior Chamber musicians each week on Monday evenings throughout the season and are able to receive volunteer hours for their participation.

Junior Chamber Ensemble meets at Kilmer Middle School on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 PM from October through May.

Questions about JCE Mentorship can be directed to Derek Maseloff at


Mentoring is an excellent way for AYPO musicians to gain valuable hands-on teaching experience while enriching the lives of fellow musicians. Mentors for JCE are musicians from AYSO and AYP. Upon applying to the program, mentors are matched with different JCE ensembles based on age and instrument. Mentors provide support by giving feedback and helping guide mentees under the instruction of the JCE directors. JCE Ensembles receive music instruction and coaching from artistic staff members Tsuna Sakamoto and Loewi Lin.