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Ike Sae-Tang

Ike Sae-Tang
Music Librarian

Ike Sae-Tang received a Bachelor of Music in Viola Performance from Stetson University in Deland, FL in the Spring of 2020. While at Stetson, he served as the head librarian for the Stetson Symphony and Stetson Chamber Orchestras as well as prepared music for Stetson Opera Theatre, Choral Union, and guest composers. After graduating, Ike was accepted into the highly competitive Glimmerglass Festival Apprenticeship Program as the music librarian apprentice for the 2022 and 2023 summer seasons. At the Glimmerglass Festival, he had the opportunity to work on Glimmerglass premiere productions, commissioned operas, and music for guest artists including Denyse Graves, Anthony Roth Costanzo, and Natalie Merchant. As the music librarian for AYPO, Ike will be managing music acquisition, preparation, and distribution for all AYPO orchestras, instrumental ensembles, and chamber ensembles.