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Emily Rodríguez Quirós

Emily Rodríguez Quíros
Music Buddies Instructor

Emily began her musical journey at the age of 3 in the Beautiful Enchanted Island, Puerto Rico. She studied at the specialized music school Escuela Libre de Música Ernesto Ramos Antonini in Hato Rey. After finishing high school, she studied at the Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Violin Performance under the tutelage of Maestro Henry Hutchinson and Omar Velásquez. She graduated with honors and, during her studies, received a scholarship for maintaining outstanding grades. She studied her Master’s Degree at the University of Akron, Ohio, USA, where she received a scholarship that covered all her studies as a Teaching Assistant. She pursued a Master’s degree in Violin Performance with Professor Alan Bodman and Violin Pedagogy with Professor Cory Smith. She also took musicology courses at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She holds a certification in Educational Coaching and Mindfulness-Based Wellness Pedagogy for musicians. She is currently pursuing an ABD Ph.D. in Education at the National University of San Agustín in Arequipa, Peru. She has participated in various international music festivals in Puerto Rico, the United States, and Europe, and has performed with different symphonic orchestras from the Caribbean, the United States, and South America. She is the founder of the first international educational music festival in Arequipa: VerArte. Moved by the talent of young musicians from Peru, she created the VerArte International Music Festival in 2015 with the goal of offering students the best quality of classes and musical exchanges with internationally recognized professors.

She has worked for several years as a violin professor at the Luis Duncker Lavalle Regional Conservatory, Colegio San José, and has been the Director of the Music Program at San Hilarión, in Arequipa since 2014. In 2020, she had the honor of representing Peru and Puerto Rico in various states of the United States, traveling with a delegation of VerArtianos and performing concerts in Madison, Chicago, and Walt Disney World, Orlando. During 2020, she was a guest violin and viola professor at the National University of San Agustín. In 2021, she won the tenure ship for the violin position at the National University of San Agustín.