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AYS & AYSO in Concert

24-25 Season

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AYS & AYSO in Concert

  • Lisner Auditorium - The George Washington University 730 21st Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20006 United States (map)

American Youth Sinfonietta and American Youth Symphonic Orchestra in Concert
Adrienne Caravan, AYS Conductor
Glenn Quader, AYSO Conductor


Demande et Reponse by Samuel Cooleridge-Taylor
String Symphony No. 2 in D Major, MWV N 2 by Felix Mendelssohn
I. Allegro
Only Light by Aaron Perrine
Fiesta Jubiloso by Joseph Compello

~ Intermission ~

Symphonic Orchestra
Masquerade Suite by Aram Khachaturian
I. Waltz
II. Nocturne
III. Mazurka
IV. Romance
V. Galop
España by Emmanuel Chabrier

Earlier Event: January 26
AYPS & AYCO in Concert
Later Event: February 23
AYDO & AYSE in Concert