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AYP in Concert

2023-2024 Season Events

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AYP in Concert

  • Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall & Arts Center 4915 East Campus Drive Alexandria, VA, 22302 United States (map)

American Youth Philharmonic in Concert
Dr. Timothy Dixon, AYP conductor

American Youth Philharmonic performs:
Violin Concert in D Minor, Op. 47 by Jean Sibelius
Ryan Chun, Violin (AYP Concerto Competition Winner)
Symphony No. 10 in E minor, Op. 93 by Dmitri Shostakovich

All AYPO May concerts are presented in honor of Teacher Appreciation Month!

Get tickets here!

Earlier Event: May 13
AYPV & AYPS Showcase
Later Event: June 2
AYPO Percussion Ensemble