AYPO Flute, Harp, and Clarinet Ensembles in Concert — American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras

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Flute & Harp Ensembles in Concert

2023-2024 Season Events

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Flute & Harp Ensembles in Concert

  • Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike Fairfax, VA, 22031 United States (map)

AYPO Flute Ensemble
Dr. Laura Kaufman Mowry, Director

AYPO Harp Ensemble
Melissa Dvorak, Director

American Youth Harp Ensemble performs:
Tarantella by Paul Beaumont, arr. Lynne Abbey-Lee
Habanera Gris by Alfredo Rolando Ortiz
Featuring Andrew Khouri & Addison Guthrie
Siciliana By Ottorino Respighi arr. Phyllis Schlomovitz
Can-Can from from Orpheus in the Underworld

American Youth Flute Ensemble performs:
Divertimento in D Major, K. 136 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arr. Hiroshi Hari
II. Andante
Flute Concerto in D Major, RV 428 “Il Gardellino” by Antonio Vivaldi arr. Victoria Jicha
I. Allegro
Prisha Bahl, Soloist
A Bird’s Tale on a Saturday by Anže Rozman
Dawn Carol by Margaret Lowe
Symphony No. 5, Op. 67 by Ludwig van Beethoven arr. Fabio Barnabas
I. Allegro con brio

Earlier Event: May 5
AYDO & AYSE in Concert
Later Event: May 11
AYS in Concert