Ensemble da Camera of Washington in Concert — American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras

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Ensemble da Camera of Washington in Concert

2021-2022 Season

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Ensemble da Camera of Washington in Concert

  • The Church of the Epiphany 1317 G Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20005 United States (map)

The Ensemble da Camera of Washington joined by Lisa Emenheiser

Tickets are still available after the online sales close, all patrons will be able to purchase tickets from the general admission box office in-person, after 2:00pm.

Claire Eichhorn, clarinet | Ricardo Cyncynates, violin / viola | Lisa Emenheiser, piano

“Kegelstaat” Trio in E-flat Major, K. 498 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 

I. Andante
II. Menuetto
III. Allegretto

Fantasiestücke for clarinet and piano, Op. 73 by Robert Schumann

I. Zart und mit Ausdruck (Tender and with expression)
II. Lebhaft, leicht (Lively, light)
III. Rasch und mit Feuer (Quick and with fire)


Violin Sonata No. 2 in A Major, Op. 100 by Johannes Brahms

I. Allegro amabile
II. Andante tranquillo — Vivace
III. Allegretto grazioso, quasi Andante

Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 11 by Ludwig van Beethoven

I. Allegro con brio
II. Adagio
III. Thema: Pria ch’io l’impegno

Earlier Event: March 26
AYS in Concert
Later Event: April 24
Chamber Ensemble Masterclass #4